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This is the webpage of PHY 252 Lab for Fall 2024. Here is past syllabus for the lab, for reference.

Follow this link for information about the lecture course, Solar or Brightspace.

Labs take place in room A 133 of the Physics Building. Sec L01 meets Monday at 2pm, Sec L02 meets Monday at 4pm, Sec L03 meets Wednesday at 2pm and Sec L04 meets Wednesday at 4:00pm.

Manuals and Course Schedule

Here is the lab schedule for PHY 252, Fall 2024.

The first lab sessions will take place in the week starting from Monday August 26

  • August 26 - August 29: Discussion of Error Propagation, in lab room A 133
September 02: Labor Day. No classes.
September 03 - September 04: No lab classes October 14- 15: Fall Break. No classes.
October 16 -17: No lab classes. November 25 - November 26: Make-up Lab Days for Labs 5 - 9. No lab classes.

November 27 - November 29: Thanksgiving Break. No classes.

December 09: Make-up Lab Day. No lab classes.
December 12: Final Exam for PHY 251 11:15-1:45pm
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Contact Us

Here are ways to ask questions or report problems:

  • To contact your professor or TA, use their SBU e-mail addresses.
  • Mr. Kanishka Wijesekara, Associate Director of the Undergraduate Laboratories, is in charge of, among other things, the team which maintains & provides lab equipment. He and his staff are based in room A-132.
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