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This is a general information page for PHY 300.

The instructors and teaching assistants for PHY 300 Lab can vary every semester. The Department course list has links to PHY 300 syllabi from past semesters. Please see SBU Solar or Brightspace for more information.

Studio Format PHY 300

Since 2021 the course has been run in the studio format, with labs and collaborative work incorporated with each class. Here is a rough plan for the semester.

Week # Topic Lab Homework and Reports
Week 1 Simple Harmonic Oscillator SHO -
Week 2 Damping, Driving, Energy SHO Driven and Damped -
Week 3 Coupled Oscillators SHO Coupled, Driven -
Week 4 Normal Modes Transmission line -
Week 5    Strings, Travelling Waves    Midterm #1, Driven rod lab    Report #1 on Coupled Oscillators
Week 6 Fourier Series Normal modes in a driven rod -
Week 7 Pulses Speed of sound -
Week 8 Plane Waves Start polarization lab -
Week 9 Polarization Polarization -
Week 10 Reflection and Refraction Start Michelson lab -
Week 11    Interferometers    Midterm #2, Michelson lab    Report #2 on Polarization
Week 12 Diffraction Diffraction -
Week 13 Ray Optics I Bird's eye view -
Week 14 Ray Optics II, Review Optical Instruments -
Alternate Lab Manuals

These manuals are used by some instructors for the laboratory portion of PHY 300, Waves and Optics.

Reference Documents and Tools

Here are some links you may find helpful:

Course websites from recent semesters can be found at Undergrad Courses

MatLab at SBU can be downloaded or used at a SINC Site

Wolfram Mathematica at SBU can be downloaded or used at a SINC Site

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